EPA Regional Programs


Oct. 3, 2024
EPA Finalizes Rule to Protect Farmworkers, Families and Communities from Pesticide Exposures
EPA is announcing a final rule to restore the pesticide Application Exclusion Zone (AEZ) requirements under the 2015 Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The AEZ is an area surrounding outdoor pesticide application equipment where people are prohibited while pesticides are applied. This rule finalizes the agency's 2023 proposed rule without change and advances the Administration's commitment to environmental justice, protecting farmworkers, pesticide handlers, their families and agricultural communities. It reinstates AEZ protections, extends protections for neighboring communities, makes requirements easier to understand, and provides flexibilities for family farms without compromising protections. These changes are a critical part of EPA's efforts to protect the health of farmworkers and support the agency's priority to advance equity and justice for all communities. Learn more about EPA's extensive efforts to train, support and enhance safe working conditions for agricultural workers at local, state and national levels on EPA's website.

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Last Updated: July 16, 2014