Other Solid Waste Incinerators: Air Curtain Incinerators Title V Permitting Provisions; Technical Correction (Final)
Nov. 15, 2024
EPA is correcting a final rule that appeared in the Federal Register (FR) on 17 April 2024. The EPA finalized the Other Solid Waste Incinerators (OSWI); Title V Permitting Provisions rule which removed title V permitting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, yard waste, or a mixture of these three types of waste. Following publication of this final rule, the EPA discovered inadvertent errors in the regulatory text and is correcting them in this action. The final rule is effective on 14 November 2024. POC is Dr. Felica Davis, Sector Policies and Programs Division (E143-05), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, EPA, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12055, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; tele: (919) 541-4857; and email: davis.felica@epa.gov. (Federal Register 14 November 2024 [Rule] Pages 89928-89933)