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Threatened Species Status With Section 4(d) Rule for Monarch Butterfly and Designation of Critical Habitat (Draft)
Dec. 12, 2024
USFWS proposes to list the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), the iconic orange and black butterfly, as a threatened species and designate critical habitat under the ESA. They propose to list the monarch butterfly as a threatened species with protective regulations under section 4(d) of the Act (a "4(d) rule"). Finalizing this rule as proposed would add this species to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and extend the Act's protections to the species. They also propose to designate critical habitat for the monarch butterfly under the Act. In total, approximately 4,395 acres (1,778 hectares) in Alameda, Marin, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Ventura Counties, California, fall within the boundaries of the proposed critical habitat designation. They also announce the availability of an economic analysis of the proposed designation of critical habitat for the monarch butterfly. They also are notifying the public that we have scheduled two informational meetings followed by public hearings on the proposed rule. They will accept comments received or postmarked on or before 12 March 2025. POC is Barbara Hosler, Regional Listing Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region Headquarters, 5600 American Blvd., Bloomington, MN 55437, telephone 517-580-0254, email: monarch@fws.gov. (Federal Register 12 December 2024 [Proposed Rule] Pages 100662-100716)

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Last Updated: January 22, 2018