Listing Salamanders Due to Risk of Salamander Chytrid Fungus (Final)
Jan. 10, 2025
The USFWS is affirming as final the 2016 interim rule that added all species of salamanders from 20 genera to the list of injurious amphibians. Under the injurious wildlife prohibitions of the Lacey Act, this final rule prohibits the importation into the United States and shipment between the continental United States, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession of the United States of any live or dead specimen, including hybrids and parts, of those 20 genera of salamanders, except by permit for certain purposes or by Federal agencies solely for their own use. USFWS takes these actions to protect U.S. ecosystems from the introduction, establishment, and spread of the lethal chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, which infects and is carried by salamanders, and which is not yet known to be found in the United States. This final rule affirming the 13 January 2016, interim rule and the interim rule set forth in this document are effective 25 January 2025. POC is Kristen Sommers, Injurious Wildlife Listing Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Aquatic Invasive Species; MS: FAC; 5275 Leesburg Pike; Falls Church, VA 22041-3803; 571-329-2214. (Federal Register 10 January 2025 [Rule] Pages 2170-2221)