EPA Regional Programs


USACE Environmental Community of Practice (ECOP) Situation Report for June 2024
The USACE ECOP SITREP includes discussion on the Army Deactivated Nuclear Power Plant Program team receives Secretary of the Army Environmental Award. The Chicago Area Waterways Framework Plan wins 2024 Silver Ribbon Award. The Groundbreaking ceremony celebrates start of construction on Kenai River Bluffs Erosion Project in Alaska, and recently published study details practical, low-cost methods for identifying and managing cyanobacteria cells that cause harmful algal blooms. HQUSACE Environmental Division distributes ECOP SITREPs for common situation awareness on environmental topics. The report is compiled from SITREPs from around USACE, including Environmental Division, Army Regional Environmental Coordinators, Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise, divisions, districts, and other HQ directorates and offices.

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Last Updated: June 20, 2007