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EPCRA Tutorial
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N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W

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NAAQS  -  National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NBAR  -  Non-Binding Preliminary Allocation of Responsibility
NCP  -  National Contingency Plan
NEIC  -  National Enforcement Investigation Center
NEPA  -  National Environmental Policy Act
NESHAPS  -  National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NFRAP  -  No Further Response Action Planned
NIMBY  -  "Not in my back yard" syndrome
NIOSH  -  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NOC  -  Notice of Non-Compliance
NOD  -  Notice of Deficiency
Notification  -  EPA requirement that anyone in charge of a vessel or an onshore/offshore facility notify the National Response Center as soon as he has knowledge of a release of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant involving a reportable quantity
NOV  -  Notice of Violation
NOx  -  Nitrogen Oxides
NPDES #  -  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Number. The NPDES # is a 9-digit number assigned to facilities by EPA or the State under authority of the Clean Water Act. It helps regulate waste discharges to water.
NPDES  -  National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
NPL  -  National Priority List
NPR-CA  -  Naval Petroleum Reserve - California
NPR-UT  -  Naval Petroleum Reserve - Utah
NPR-WV  -  Naval Petroleum Reserve - West Virginia
NPRM  -  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NRC / National Response Center. A national communication center which coordinates response to spills of HSs and petroleum. CERCLA requires notifying the NRC (1-800-424-8802) in the event of a spill. Also, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NRDC  -  National Resource Defense Council
NRT  -  National Response Team. An organization of federal agencies operating under the National Contingency Plan to coordinate response to hazardous incidents and to provide guidance for preparing for emergency.
NRT-1  -  Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide. The NRT-1 was created by the NRT as guidance for preparing for and responding to releases of hazardous materials.
NSPS  -  New Source Performance Standardsx
NSR  -  New Source Review
NTIS  -  National Technical Information Service. NTIS publishes many federal documents and reports.
NTP  -  National Toxicology Program
NTS  -  Nevada Test Site
NWPA  -  Nuclear Waste Policy Act
O&M  -  Operation and Maintenance
OMB  -  Office of Management and Budget
ORNL  -  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OSC  -  On-scene Coordinator
OSHA  -  Occupational Safety and Health Act (or Administration). OSHA provides for safe working conditions. It requires MSDS and other precautions for establishments which handle hazardous chemicals
OSWER  -  Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, US EPA
OTD  -  EM's Office of Technology Development
OU  -  Operable Unit
PA  -  Preliminary Assessment
Pad GDP  -  Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Project
Pantex  -  Pantex Plant
PCB(s)  -  Polychlorinated Biphenyl(s)
PEIS  -  Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
PEL  -  Permissible Exposure Limit
PETC  -  Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center
PIN  -  Pesticide Information Network
Pinellas  -  Pinellas Plant
PM10  -  Particulate Matter With An Aerodynamic Diameter Equal or Less Than 10 Micrometers
PMI  -  Pesticide Monitoring Inventory
PMN  -  Premanufacture Notice
PNL  -  Pacific Northwest Laboratory. PNL is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U. S. Department of Energy.
POLREPs  -  Pollution Reports
Port GDP  -  Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Project
POTW  -  Publicly Owned Treatment Works. POTWs treat sewage and other aqueous waste.
PPB  -  Parts per Billion (µg/l)
PPM  -  Parts per Million (mg/l)
PPPL  -  Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
PRP(s)  -  Potentially Responsible Party(ies)
PSD  -  Prevention of Significant Deterioration
QA  -  Quality Assurance
QAPP  -  Quality Assurance Program Plan
QC  -  Quality Control
R&D  -  Research and Development
R-T-K  -  Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (or EPCRA or Title III)
RA  -  Remedial Action
RACT  -  Reasonably Available Control Technology
RAO  -  Remedial Action Objective
RAP  -  Remedial Action Plan (or Program)
RCRA ID #  -  RCRA Identification Number. The RCRA ID # is also called the EPA ID.
RCRA  -  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (see HSWA or SWDA). RCRA regulates hazardous waste.
RD  -  Remedial Design
RD/RA  -  Remedial Design/Remedial Action
RDDT&E  -  Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing and Evaluation
Removal action  -  removal action performed at sites by an Environmental Restoration Program Manager (ERPM) for removal actions. All statutory removal limits apply to these actions.
RFP  -  Rocky Flats Plant
RI  -  Remedial Investigation
RI/FS  -  Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
ROD  -  Record of Decision
RPTA  -  (Illinois) Responsible Property Transfer Act (see also ECRA)
RQ  -  Reportable Quantity. A quantity assigned to each HS and EHS. If an RQ of an HS or EHS is released to the environment, that release must be reported. RQs for HSs are found in 40 CFR 302.4 and RQs for EHSs are found in 40 CFR 355 Appendices A and B.
RRT  -  Regional Response Team
S&M  -  Surveillance and Maintenance
SARA  -  Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. The act which reauthorized CERCLA. It also added some new titles to the Act, i.e., EPCRA.
SCAP  -  Superfund Consolidated Accomplishments Plan
SDWA  -  Safe Drinking Water Act
SEC  -  Securities and Exchange Commission
SERC  -  State Emergency Response Committee. A state organization set up by EPCRA to receive EPCRA submissions from regulated facilities, provide submitted information to the public, and organize and oversee the local emergency planning process. States vary greatly in the way the SERC responsibilities are delegated (i.e., the SERC may be part of the environmental agency, labor department, emergency response organization, the state police or some other branch of the state government).
SERI  -  Solar Energy Research Institute. This lab has be renamed NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
SETS  -  Site Enforcement Tracking System
SI  -  Site Inspection
SIC Code  -  Standard Industrial Classification. The SIC Codes are a system of classifying establishments according to what they do or produce. Generally a two-digit or four-digit code (the additional two digits are an expansion on the original two digits) will describe a facility, although several SIC codes may apply to the same facility if that facility performs more than one industrial function (i.e.., refining uranium (SIC Code 2819) and making warheads (SIC Code 3483)).
SIC  -  Standard Industrial Classification
SIP  -  State Implementation Plan
SLAC  -  Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SMOA  -  Superfund Memorandum of Agreement (Between US EPA and Individual States)
SNL-CA  -  Sandia National Laboratory - Livermore
SNL-NM  -  Sandia National Laboratory - Albuquerque
SPCC  -  Plan Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
SPR-LA  -  Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Louisiana
SPR-TX  -  Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Texas
SQG  -  Small Quantity Generator
SRS  -  Savannah River Site
SUPERFUND  -  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (see CERCLA or SARA)
SWDA  -  Solid Waste Disposal Act (see HSWA or RCRA)
SWMU  -  Solid Waste Management Unit Under RCRA
TBC  -  To Be Considered
TBCs  -  Other Advisories, Criteria, or Guidance To Be Considered
TC  -  Toxic Chemical. The list of TCs is found in 40 CFR 372.65. TCs are regulated under Section 313 of EPCRA.
TCA  -  Trichloroethane
TCE  -  Trichloroethylene
TCLP  -  Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TDS  -  Total Dissolved Solids
Threshold  -  A threshold is a quantity which represents an amount of chemical at or above which that chemical must be reported. The thresholds for Sections 302, 311, and 312 are based on the quantity of chemical present at the facility at any one time. The thresholds for Section 313 are based on the quantity of chemical used during the previous calendar year at the facility.
Tier I  -  Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory (Aggregate Information by Hazard Type).
Tier II  -  Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory (Specific Information by Chemical).
TITLE III  -  Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (or EPCRA or R-T-K)
TPQ  -  Threshold Planning Quantity. A TPQ has been assigned for each EHS. It is the threshold for Section 302 reporting and is one of the thresholds for EHSs (500 lb. is the other) for Sections 311 and 312.
TRI  -  Toxic Chemical Release Inventory. Section 313 of EPCRA, the TRI requirements, pertains to an inventory of TC releases nationwide as well as locally. The inventory is accomplished by facilities submitting copies of the Form R for each reportable TC.
TRU  -  transuranic waste
TSCA  -  Toxic Substances Control Act
TSD  -  Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (Facility)
TSS  -  Total Suspended Solids
TTO  -  Total Toxic Organics
UIC  -  Underground Injection Control
USGS  -  US Geological Survey
UST  -  Underground Storage Tank
UV  -  ultraviolet
VOC  -  Volatile organic Compound (or VOM)
VOM  -  Volatile organic Material (or VOC)
WIPP  -  Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
WMIS  -  Waste Management Information System
WO  -  EM's Office of Waste Operations
WQA  -  Water Quality Act of 1987 (or Clean Water Act (CWA))
WSRIC  -  Waste Stream and Residue Identification and Characterization
WVDP  -  West Valley Demonstration Project
A  -  M

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DOE Office of Environmental Policy and Guidance