Module 3: Emergency Release
Steps 3-9
    Notifications Requirements    
Step 10
Could incident potentially result in off-site exposure to released EHS?
Step 11

There are no Federal reporting requirements for this release under EPCRA. However, internal DOE or state requirements may still apply.
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Return to EPCRA Index
or Begin Module 4
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    Step 12
    Immediately notify the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and the Local Emergency Planning Committee(s) (LEPCs) as required in 40 CFR 355.40.
As appropriate, concurrently implement internal reporting requirements and/or state requirements.
    Go to the
Exempt Release
Information Page
arrow Exempt Releases    
    Step 13
Make the necessary follow-up notification to the LEPC(s) and SERC.
    red line
This is the end of Module 3: Emergency Release.
At this point you should have completed all Federal reporting requirements for HS and EHS releases under EPCRA.
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Module 4:  Community Right-to-'Know
Go To: Module 3 Index or EPCRA's Main Index or EPCRA Table of Contents

DOE Office of Environmental Policy and Guidance