Module 4: Community Right-To-Know
Steps 1 and 2
    Determing Which Hazardous Chemicals (HCs) Exceed Thresholds    
    The following section (Steps 3 - 12) involve using the Optional Aggregation Worksheet A(s) to aggregate quantities of EHSs contained in each mixture and location at the facility. The worksheet is a useful tool but is not a regulatory requirement. You do not need to use copies of the Optional Aggregation Worksheet A if the facility has an adequate system (such as a computerized inventory) which can accomplish the same goals.
This procedure may have already been accomplished for all EHSs if Steps 2 through 7 of the Emergency Planning Notification Section of Module 2 have been performed.
    Step 3
Examine the Optional Comprehensive Inventory Worksheets for products which contain EHSs and are not exempt from Section 311 and 312.
  note Step 4
Begin one Optional Aggregation Worksheet A, for each EHS marked on the Optional Comprehensive Inventory Worksheets, except for those EHSs which are only contained in exempt products. Begin each Aggregation Worksheet A by completing Section 1.
Line Information
A EHS name
B CAS number
C date prepared
  note Step 5
Look up and record the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) and the Reportable Quantity (RQ) on lines D and E of the Aggregation Worksheet A for each EHS.
Line Information
D Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ)
E Reportable Quantity (RQ)
Module 4, Steps 6 - 7
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DOE Office of Environmental Policy and Guidance