Module 4: Community Right-To-Know
Step 13
    Determining Which HCs Exceed Thresholds
  The following steps of this module involves using the Optional Aggregation Worksheet B(s) to aggregate quantities of EHSs contained in each mixture and location at the facility. The worksheet is a useful tool but is not a regulatory requirement. You do not need to use copies of the Optional Aggregation Worksheet B if the facility has another system which can accomplish the same goals (such as a computerized inventory).  
Step 14

Will the reporting for Sections 311 and 312 be based on mixtures containing Hazardous Chemicals (HCs)?
Module 4, Steps 17-18:  Calculating Aggregate Thresholds Based on HC Components
Module 4, Step 15-16:  Calculating Aggregate Thresholds Based on Mixtures of HCs
Go To: Module 4 Index or EPCRA's Main Index or EPCRA Table of Contents

DOE Office of Environmental Policy and Guidance